Comparative Market Analysis vs Appraisal

When it comes to determining the value of a property, two common methods are used: Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) and Appraisal.

While both methods aim to estimate the value of a property, they differ in their approach, scope, and purpose.

Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is a report prepared by a licensed real estate agent or broker to estimate the value of a property. The report compares the subject property to similar properties that have recently sold in the same area, known as “comps.” The CMA takes into account various factors, including:

  • Location
  • Size
  • Age
  • Style
  • Condition
  • Features (e.g., number of bedrooms, bathrooms, fireplaces)
  • Recent sales data

The CMA provides an estimated value range for the subject property, which can help sellers set a competitive asking price and buyers make informed offers.


An Appraisal is a more formal and detailed process conducted by a licensed and certified appraiser. The appraiser visits the property, inspects its condition, and gathers data on its features and amenities. The appraisal report includes:

  • An estimate of the property’s value based on its physical characteristics and market conditions
  • A detailed description of the property’s condition, including any defects or needed repairs
  • A list of comparable sales data used to support the estimated value
  • An analysis of market trends and conditions

Appraisers are trained to provide an unbiased opinion of value, making them a reliable source for lenders, buyers, and sellers.

Key Differences

  • Purpose: A CMA is used to estimate the value of a property for listing or buying purposes, while an Appraisal is used to determine the value of a property for lending or insurance purposes.
  • Scope: A CMA typically focuses on recent sales data and market trends, while an Appraisal includes a detailed physical inspection of the property and an analysis of its condition.
  • Expertise: A CMA is prepared by a licensed real estate agent or broker, while an Appraisal is conducted by a licensed and certified appraiser.
  • Accuracy: Appraisals are generally considered more accurate than CMAs, as they are based on a detailed physical inspection and analysis of the property’s condition.
  • Cost: CMAs are often provided free or at a low cost by real estate agents, while Appraisals can be more expensive, typically ranging from $300 to $1,000 or more, depending on the location and complexity of the appraisal.

In summary, while both CMAs and Appraisals aim to estimate the value of a property, they differ in their approach, scope, and purpose. A CMA is a useful tool for real estate agents and clients, while an Appraisal is a more formal and detailed process used for lending and insurance purposes.

What is a Comparative Market Analysis in real estate

A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) in real estate is a report that estimates the value of a property by comparing it to similar properties that have recently sold or are currently listed for sale in the same area. The CMA is typically prepared by a licensed real estate agent or broker and is used to help sellers set a listing price for their property and to help buyers make informed offers.

A CMA typically includes the following information:

  • A list of comparable properties (comps) that have recently sold or are currently listed for sale in the same area
  • The sale prices and other relevant details of the comps, such as square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and lot size
  • An analysis of the similarities and differences between the subject property and the comps
  • An estimated value of the subject property based on the analysis of the comps

The CMA is a useful tool for real estate agents and brokers because it helps them to:

  • Determine a fair and competitive listing price for a property
  • Identify potential buyers and their price ranges
  • Negotiate the best possible price for a buyer
  • Provide valuable information to clients about the local real estate market

Here are some key points to consider when it comes to CMAs:

  • A CMA is not an appraisal, which is a more formal and detailed evaluation of a property’s value.
  • A CMA is typically prepared by a real estate agent or broker, while an appraisal is typically prepared by a licensed appraiser.
  • A CMA is based on recent sales data and market trends, while an appraisal is based on a physical inspection of the property and a review of its condition.
  • A CMA is usually less expensive than an appraisal, but it may not be as detailed or comprehensive.

Accuracy of property AVM

The accuracy of Property Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) is a crucial aspect of the real estate industry. AVMs are designed to estimate the value of a property based on various data points, including historical sales data, property characteristics, and market conditions. While AVMs have improved significantly over the years, their accuracy can vary depending on several factors.

Challenges in AVM Accuracy

  • Data Quality: AVMs rely heavily on data accuracy and completeness. Inaccurate or outdated data can lead to flawed estimates.
  • Unique Property Features: AVMs may struggle to account for unique or non-standard features of a property that can significantly impact its value.
  • Local Market Conditions: AVMs may not fully capture local market conditions, such as changes in supply and demand, which can affect property values.
  • Lack of Human Judgment: AVMs are based on statistical models and may not consider human judgment and expertise in property valuation.

Measuring AVM Accuracy

AVM accuracy can be measured using various metrics, including:

  • Hit Rate: The percentage of properties for which the AVM finds a match in its database.
  • Record Count: The total number of properties the AVM has data for.
  • Mean Error: The average difference between the AVM’s estimate and the selling price.
  • Accuracy Rate: The percentage of valuations that fall within a specific range (e.g., 5%) of the selling price.


While AVMs have improved significantly, their accuracy can vary depending on the data quality, unique property features, local market conditions, and lack of human judgment. Industry-leading AVM providers, such as HouseCanary, have achieved exceptional accuracy ratings, but it is essential to consider these limitations when using AVMs for property valuation.

Zestimate Accuracy From Their Website:

How accurate is the Zestimate?

The nationwide median error rate for the Zestimate for on-market homes is 2.4%, while the Zestimate for off-market homes has a median error rate of 7.49%.

The Zestimate’s accuracy depends on the availability of data in a home’s area. Some areas have more detailed home information available — such as square footage and number of bedrooms or bathrooms — and others do not. The more data available, the more accurate the Zestimate value will be.

Link to Zillow post talking about accuracy along with tables for major metro areas.

If you are thinking of selling and would like to dial in your home’s value in today’s market let me know and I will prepare a Comparative Market Analysis for you.

What is my Home Worth

What is a property Automated Valuation Model (AVM)

An Automated Valuation Model is a software-based tool that uses statistical modeling and a database of existing properties and transactions to calculate the value of a residential or commercial property. It is similar to a real estate agent’s comparative market analysis (CMA), which compares the values of similar properties at the same time.

However, unlike a CMA, an AVM uses data provided by the user, as well as existing data, to automate and streamline the process, and the results are only as good as the data available.

How does it work?

An AVM uses a wide array of publicly-available and user-submitted data, such as property type, size, general location, and comparable sales data (when available), to provide an immediate value estimate. This data is then analyzed using mathematical or statistical modeling and a combination of existing databases to estimate property value.

Types of AVMs

There are two main types of AVMs: Comparables Based AVMs and Hedonic Models.

  • Comparables Based AVMs select comparables for each individual valuation based on the characteristics of the property to be valued. They operate similarly to how an appraiser would work when valuing properties through the sales comparison approach.
  • Hedonic Models try to isolate the impact of individual property characteristics in the form of pre-calculated parameters. They do not select comparables based on the individual property to be valued, and the valuation result cannot be traced.

Advantages and Limitations

AVMs have several advantages, including:

  • Time-saving: AVMs can provide an estimate of a property’s value in a matter of seconds, without the need for manual effort.
  • Objective: AVMs are objective, as they are based on data, which increases the accuracy and reliability of the valuation.
  • Cost-effective: AVMs can be more cost-effective than traditional appraisal methods.

However, AVMs also have some limitations, including:

  • Limited data: AVMs are only as accurate as the data available, and may not take into account unique property characteristics or local market conditions.
  • Inaccurate estimates: AVMs may produce inaccurate estimates if the data is outdated, incomplete, or incorrect.
  • Lack of physical inspection: AVMs do not consider the condition of the property when estimating its market value, which may not be entirely accurate.

Overall, AVMs are a valuable tool for real estate professionals, investors, and lenders, providing a quick and cost-effective way to estimate the value of a property.

Hi folks,
If you are going to be selling your home in the near future or are just curious about its value in today’s market, give me a call or use the button below. I will email you a comprehensive market analysis of your home. There is no obligation on your part and it is totally free.

My phone number is 760.476.9560.

What is my Home Worth

Not ready to move yet but want to keep an eye on your homes value, I have a monthly update that is customized to your home and neighborhood. Click the link below to see what is included in the report and to sign up:

Monthly Update

Your home sale could trigger capital gains taxes. Here’s how to calculate your bill

  • More home sellers now owe capital gains taxes after selling their primary residence, but it is possible to reduce the bill.
  • There are no taxes on the first $250,000 of profit if you are single, or $500,000 for married couples filing jointly, assuming you meet IRS rules.
  • You can lower profits above those thresholds by adding to your home’s “basis,” or original purchase price, with closing costs and eligible improvements.

There are strict IRS rules to qualify for the $250,000 or $500,000 exemptions. Any profit above those limits is subject to capital gains taxes, levied at 0%, 15% or 20%, based on your earnings.

“It is important to track your cost basis of the home,” which is your original purchase price plus closing costs from the purchase, according to Thomas Scanlon, a certified financial planner at Raymond James in Manchester, Connecticut.

You can reduce your home sale profit by adding often-forgotten costs and fees to your basis, which minimizes your capital gains tax liability.

For example, you can start by tacking on fees and closing costs from the purchase and sale of the home, according to the IRS. These may include:

  • Title fees
  • Charges for utility installation
  • Legal and recording fees
  • Surveys
  • Transfer taxes
  • Title insurance
  • Balances owed by the seller

These could be small amounts individually but have a significant effect on the basis when tallied.

The average closing cost nationwide is $4,243, according to a report from Assurance, but fees vary widely. In the priciest state, New York, the average is $8,039, while California is a close second at $8,028.

“You also get credit for the expenses for the sale of the property,” added Scanlon, who is also a certified public accountant. That includes your real estate commissions and closing costs.

However, there are some fees and closing costs you cannot add to your basis, such as home insurance premiums or rent or utilities paid before your closing date, according to the IRS.

Similarly, loan charges such as points, mortgage insurance premiums, the cost to pull your credit report or appraisals required by your lender will not count.

Original Article

Who is responsible for boundary fences and trees?

A: Most properties have three property lines setting the common boundaries with adjacent properties owned by others. A fourth property line usually sets the frontage on a public right of way, such as a street.

The location of the common property lines is typically represented by common boundary improvements such as shrubbery or trees. When setting up, maintaining or removing common boundary improvements, the
adjacent property owners’ rights depend on the type of improvement.

Common boundary improvements, other than trees, located on a property line between adjacent properties are called party walls. Types of party walls

• boundary fences;
• driveways; and
• ditches.

Owners of adjoining properties are presumed to benefit equally from boundary fences. Under this legal presumption, all adjoining owners are equally responsible for constructing, maintaining and replacing
boundary fences.

The responsibility for constructing, maintaining or replacing boundary fences may be altered or removed only by:

• a written agreement between all affected owners; or
• an adjoining owner’s judicial petition to remove or alter their responsibility.

When trees mark a common boundary, each tree’s ownership is determined by the location of its trunk. Solely owned trees belong to the owner of the property on which the entire trunk is growing. Trees growing on government-owned parcels, such as a right of way for streets and sidewalks, belong to the local government, and thus the government is responsible for maintenance.

However, shrubbery or trees whose trunks stand partly on the land of two adjacent property owners belong to both adjacent owners. These trees are called line trees or common boundary trees.

Similar to maintaining a boundary fence, adjacent owners who own line trees are jointly responsible for maintaining the trees and, unless they agree to an alternate arrangement, share equal costs. To avoid disputes, adjacent property owners need to consider entering into an agreement detailing how they will handle the maintenance of boundary trees.

The Correct Price is the First Priority in Selling a Home  

Price is important, and it needs to be right from the first day.

When a home first comes on the market, it gets a lot of attention. If it’s priced right, it will get showings. But if it’s overpriced, buyers’ agents will skip over it – and may not even notice if the price is reduced later.

And, even if a buyer is found at a seriously inflated price, the sale could fail as a result of an appraisal.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to price a home right from the very start. As a listing agent, my job is to give you the most up to date information and recommend a price that will sell in today’s market – even if it isn’t what you want to hear.

If you’re ready to see what your home is worth in today’s market, get in touch. I’ll be happy to prepare a no-obligation market analysis to help you in making a decision about selling.

    If you have questions on this property or would like to see it let me know.
    Call me directly at 760.476.9560

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    Instant Offers and iBuyers

    With advances in technology and new ways to utilize data, some companies have sprouted up to create different ways to sell your property.

    Basically, they utilize automated valuation models (AVMs) to make quick offers on homes, allowing

    them to close in a much faster than typical timeframe, and then resell them.

    From a seller’s standpoint, it can eliminate some hassle and uncertainty, but with high “transaction fees” ranging from 7% to 14%, and the likelihood that they will sell the home for more than they paid you for it, you are simply exchanging that smooth and quick transaction for a portion of your equity.

    Companies that offer this kind of service are only in limited markets across the country right now. They operate by having homeowners fill out a short questionnaire with information on their home. They feed that data into their AVM, which kicks back an offer price. They make the homeowner a cash offer to close in a short timeframe (typically about a week) and specify what the fee will be to proceed through to closing. Once they own the home, they will repair and spruce it up, and list it for sale on the open market.

    It may be tempting to consider such an offer, but keep in mind that this is a straight numbers play. They are determining a price that allows them the room to cover the costs of the transactions as well as the repairs, while still making some profit. Their profit will either come from the fee you’ve paid or from acquiring your home at a below market price – although it could possibly be a combination of the two.

     n analysis on one company’s transactions showed they were selling homes at an average 5.5% appreciation, on top of their transaction fee. That’s a lot of money to leave on the table for a little convenience.

    There are other companies beginning to test alternative listing models as well, utilizing technology and AVMs to make ‘instant offers’ on homes, or to help buyers acquire and move into their next home before selling their current one. As always, it’s important to read the fine print and understand what you are agreeing to before using the service.

    Hi folks,
    If you are going to be selling your home in the near future or are just curious about its value in today’s market, give me a call or use the button below. I will email you a comprehensive market analysis of your home. There is no obligation on your part and it is totally free.

    My phone number is 760.476.9560.

    What is my Home Worth

    Not ready to move yet but want to keep an eye on your homes value, I have a monthly update that is customized to your home and neighborhood. Click the link below to see what is included in the report and to sign up:

    Monthly Update

    Pricing Your Home for Sale

    Because pricing your house correctly is so important, I promised to tell you all about what to avoid and how to get it right.

    First- what to avoid:

    • Advice from friends
    • Advice from real estate agents working in a different community
    • Zestimates

    And… please do ignore everything you hear about what your neighbor got for / paid for a house in your neighborhood last year – or even 3 months ago. Markets can and do change rapidly, so those prices have nothing to do with today’s prices.

    Your friends probably mean well, but unless they’re agents working in your neighborhood, the information they have will not be accurate. The same is true for real estate agents in other communities.

    National news reports national trends, but real estate is always local. Prices are affected by everything from neighboring business, to the jobs market, to the school district, to nearby zoning, to the price of utilities, to views, to access to transportation, and more.

    Two neighborhoods less than a mile apart can have very different values.

    What about Zestimates? Aren’t they accurate?

    No. They have the same problem. The computer program that generates those estimates can compare many things, but has no way to calculate the wide variety of details that affect price. Agents across the country have found that Zestimates can be as much as 30% off the mark – either way.

    How can you get it right?

    By hiring a real estate agent who is familiar with your neighborhood, and who will prepare a true market analysis, taking all factors into consideration. It’s much the same as a fee appraisal, because it is based on comparison to homes as much like yours as possible. It also takes current market conditions into account.

    If you’d like to know the current value of your home, get in touch. I’ll be happy to prepare a market analysis, so you know just where you stand.

    What is my Home Worth