
To Buy or Not To Buy?

This is the question many potential buyers are facing right now.

Do I wait to see if prices go lower?
Do I wait to see if more good homes come on the market?
Do I wait to see if interest rates move lower?

OR. . . .


Is right now the golden opportunity I have been waiting for as there are plenty of choices, sellers are becoming more and more motivated, interest rates are on the decline, and in most cases I will not be bidding against other very motivated buyers for the same property?

Compared to the buying environment of the past few years many buyers sense this is a great time to be looking for a home.

The first and most important question any buyer needs to ask is: “What do I want?”

Do I want a home?
Do I want a place to live?
Do I want an investment?
Do I want . . . . ?

What Do I Really Want and Why??

It is critical that every potential buyer gain clarity around what they want and why. Here is what we know about buying a home today.

1. There are some incredible values available in the market at this time.
2. It is vital that you work with a great lender to make sure you can get the loan you need.
3. Prices are likely to soften going forward.
4. No one has the ability to time the market.
5. Real estate is a great long term investment.

If you can live with the statements listed above and you are looking for a place to call your home for at least the next 5 – 7 years. . .

Pick the property that feels the most special and make an offer that makes financial sense to you. There is no point in worrying about what prices are going to do in the short run. This is something that is out of your control. Buying a home as a short term investment is always a risky venture in any kind of real estate market, up or down.

Again . . . .

If you want to know if NOW is the right time to buy. . . .
Take the time to really answer the question – What do I want and why relative to buying a home?

The answer to this question will give you the freedom to move forward with great confidence whether you decide to buy now or wait.

Steve Lewis
760.476.9560 – Direct Line

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